Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This blog is briefly going to slow down on posts. My personal and professional life is exploding in the best possible of ways and as a result I'm all over the midwest for the next month. I'll try to update whenever possible. I just finished Edward Bloor's Tangerine and I'm in the middle of his London Calling.(Do recommend) I've got tons of great audiobook like Zadie Smith's On Beauty (a little long but a great character driven plot with excellent audio performance) and Joan Bauer's Peeled (so fun). I even tried an experiment of reading a Rex Libris (superhero librarian!) while listening to "Wrong Hands" (superheroic hands!) but it didn't go so well. So I'll still be reading and thinking on materials and I'll try to keep the Library Thing and Shelfari current if nothing else. I also just started a goodreads.com account so there is a lot of great stuff going to come the way of this blog, but for just now I need a little time to get everything else settled down.

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