- Nonfiction.
- Graphic Novels.
- High Fantasy.
- Bestsellers and book club choices.
- Essays, articles, books, blogs on writing by writers.
- Audiobooks. This is one area of my own RA and everyone else's where I have trouble. I know what I like when I hear it but very often it takes a special book to draw me in and keep me listening and that is hard to find.
Less of this.
- Superhero stories, until someone does something that really surprises me like "Hero" by Perry Moore did.
- Comfortable fluffy reads (for emergency use only.)
- Bizarrely addictive blogs where people laud appalling behavior. (I think you know what I mean.)
- TV. Seriously way too much of my reading time goes to the evil USA and TBS crime drama marathon monster.
- Blogs about publishing. Why do I obsess about how to write a query letter when I haven't even written anything worth inquiring about?
*The reading itself isn't awkward, but as usual, I am.
I'm a big fan of bullet-points, so the list is not awkward to me ;-)